Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Imagine This Topic Challenge!!

Have you ever noticed....when someone brings up a certain topic of conversation, the instant mental picture we give them in our head?  I mean, not bad images, just these pictures we make up of them depending on the conversation or the personality of them...just images we have?  Well, I guess I do it anyway, even if no one else does...

I was talking to someone today and thought to myself...she prolly thinks I am sitting behind my stove all day in an apron....when really I am laid out on my couch stuck in second life....but then I am also running errands and working...and living my SL and RL....so if someone were like me and imagining me in so many ways...I imagine they will have a lot of different views.  SOooooOOooo because this will take me forever to get through, I shall do one at a time.

 I think it would be so much fun to see what others come up with!!

So ....go grab your Kitchen/Cooking/Food/Recipies Topic and ...BLOG IT!  What would someone see when they talk to you about food and cooking?  If you join in, PLEASE Link me so I can seeeee I wanna see!

Topic:  Food, Cooking, Recipies.....I am a baker, cook, and pinterest maker!!! I have been compared to a foodie, but its more along the lines of...what is going to make me happy. I love the way food can smell up your home and bring the smiles to the faces of people....food can set a mood, I swear on that fact!

Also...I feel like I am tricking myself into a diet....because I just nibble while I cook and by time dinner gets here...I am full.  (Please, leave me my illusions)

Eyes - Mayfly - Sapphire Night
Hair - D!va - Mayumi2 Onyx
Shape - Savoir Faire Shapes - Lola
Skin - Pink Fuel - Alena Chai Scene

Lipstick - Pink Fuel - Alley Cocoa Doll Glass Beestung
Messy Cupcake Face - [<3P] Messy Cupcake Face w/Cupcake!
Pearls - AMD - Sloppy Pearls in White

Apron - ~*~ Inspired ~*~ - Apron in Apricot
Shirt - Ingenue - Top from Collegiate Miss in Chocolate Orange
Capri's - fri. - Ahoy in Stormy
Shoes - Furore - Mesh Ballets in Creame

Kitchen Set - ~*~ Inspired ~*~ - Farmhouse Kitchen
Butcher's Block - {what next} -  Laurel Cottage Kitchen Utensils


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