It fit! All morning, I been humming it. Maybe because last night, in a conversation, it was noted that Stalone was a great action actor, a bad mans man. Well, he is...but I love him still, he gave me the steps scene, the desperate ADRIAAAANNNNNEEE cry, and....the Eye of the Tiger!!!
DUN...DUN...DUN..DUN....alright, I won't sing it for you!
But back to the outfit....Indyra Originals has always been one of my favorite designers. I remember my first outfit I bought from was this little pink nighty set and it was, for me then, so expensive and I remember thinking. "I have expensive lingere now....I am MOVING ON UP...TO THE SKY..TO A DELU...." okay, sorry...the music seems to be distracting me. FOCUS!!
So back to this outfit. It comes in all sorts of different Nations!! Ten to be exact! USA. South Korea, Russia, Japan, Italy, Great Britain, Germany, France, China, and Austalia. Now is the time to get your team colors. With the Olymics now in full swing...well what better time to show your support?!
Indrya also gives a 50L credit on all purchaces when your in the group so get in the group, save yourself some linden!
Did I mention the Minnie Mouse Ears!? Did I mention the bow changes colors!? Also, the socks in just ONE pack come in a variety of colors so you can mix and match til your heart is content and all your Nation's Colors are prominant in the most perfect way!!!
The shirt is mesh and fits pretty easily! With a L, M, S, XL, and's easy peasy!!
Hair - Magika - A B&W Midnight
Skin - LAQ - Susan in Mocha
Eyes - Mayfly - Deep Sky Eyes in Deep Sea
Shoes - LP - Swift Sneakers
Outfit - Indrya Originals Mesh - USA BABY!!!!
Outfit - Indrya Originals Mesh - USA BABY!!!!
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