Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Winter's Song

* Baiastice * Cashmere Mesh n' Leggings
Okay so....I have drooled over Baiastice for a while now...I have very few of their things but for a very stupid reason.  I bought a pair of shorts last summer/fall....and I couldn't get the alpha to show....I mean, it was on, but looked like it just never appeared.  I was mad.  I loved the shorts.  I stalked out and you know, rather then just IMing the designer for help, I just didn't wear them or go back.  Bad.  Bad. Bad.  And very silly I realize.

BUT I do love their styles and from afar I watched other people wear the outfits with absolutely no problem and finally....after Evion from AnotherDamnSLBlog.Com posted her mamajama awesome from Baiastice I could stand it no longer!  I went over, bought tons of things and went home....held my breathe....and sighed with relief!  It worked!  OPERATOR ERROR!!!!
* Baiastice * Rufa Skirt in Black Lace

I went back this morning, itching for something new, and spotted this skirt.  I really loved the look of it, the fact you can see through it.  It gave me a whimsical feeling and I snagged a turtleneck and leggings to go with!  As you can see, I decided a winter wonderland was in order...and most likely my last winter post this season....

SeVered GarDeN Winter Feet
The feet....let's talk feet....are from SeVered GarDeN and came with four options...Winter, Summer, Spring, Fall....with a hud to change color of skin, toenails, and you can click and change the color of the lil pinecone.  This was a pleased young lady this morning when I put them on!

So I am here to say, if you have tried a place, love their style, had something go wrong....WORK IT OUT OR GET IT RIGHT....don't miss out for months on something awesome!

Feet - SeVered GarDeN - Bare Feet - Winter
Hair - Magika - Discount Pack A in Charcoal
Eyes - Chai Eyes - Gemini
Shape - Krysta - Sibele Ingmann
Turtleneck - Baiastice - Cashmere Mesh Sweater in Ghost
Leggings - Baiastice - Fall Mesh Leggings in Ghost
Skirt - Baiastice - Rufa Mesh Skirt in Black Lace
Nails - Ultra Mesh Rigged Nails by Jamman
Make up - Izzie's - Dry Lips, Reddness from Baby It's Cold Outside Set

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