Saturday, July 21, 2012

Hunts! Good or Bad?

So this morning I sat down to do my tour of sales in SecondLife and recalled a conversation I had with a friend.  I love to go on hunts.  The main reason I go is because it allows me a chance to see stores I haven't been to for a while or haven't ever seen.  I thin hunts are a great way to find new places.  In a conversation with my friend....he stated hunts were bad for designers because people came, grabbed the free hunt prize, and left never having purchased anything or had intent to come back.  I can totally see how it would be bad for designers.  I really do.....but I thought, all those hunters "I came, I got free, I ran!" do they all just cam for the prize and tp out without even taking a look around?

It concerned me a little, because I always want to be a bonus to a designer I like.  I want them to know I enjoy their designs enough to actually buy them and I do!  I buy so much stuff!  But, I am not going to lie, I love little things like...FaMESHed, The Dressing Room, Fifty Linden Fridays, etc....because they are one stop shops for me.  I get to see new things and grab an updated LM to mainstores....and get a good deal.

So...what do you think?  Are hunts and bargain weekends a bad or good thing?  I'd love to hear what some designers think!!!  ALL COMMENTS WELCOME!!!!

In the meantime, enjoy the oldie bug goodie outfit for the day!!!

Skin - LAQ - Susan
Hair - AnalogDog - Lyra in Black
Shape - Sibelle Ingmann - Krysta's
Eyes - Mayfly - Deep Sky Eyes (Deep Sea)

Dress - ColdLogic - Jeun in Smoke
Shoes - PixelFashion - Oshun in Black

Jewelry - Caroline's Jewelry - Beaded Pearls in Black

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